Week of Events
Business of Child Care
Business of Child Care
This is a comprehensive business curriculum uniquely designed for early childhood owners and administrators. This curriculum covers business plans, business leadership (hiring, etc.), marketing, and finance. It delivers hands-on learning activities and tools to strengthen childcare businesses, prepare for lending opportunities, and improve facilities, program marketing, and overall program effectiveness. This virtual series is a
Beyond Sorry Nurturing a Conscience Through Guidance
Beyond Sorry Nurturing a Conscience Through Guidance
Should we tell children to say they're sorry even if they don't mean it? Through lecture, discussion, and videos, we'll discuss this question and explore what a conscience is and how to nurture it. We'll also review four steps to having a heartfelt apology and practice how to respond to a potential scenario in
What Do Recycling, Dead Birds, Weaving, and Spiderwebs Have To Do With My Classroom?
What Do Recycling, Dead Birds, Weaving, and Spiderwebs Have To Do With My Classroom?
Presenters Tracy Collins Description STEM curriculum can be daunting for early learning teachers – this training covers the basics entailed in the STEM acronym. The training also brings out how much from the STEM curriculum happens regularly in early learning settings (both indoors and outdoors). We will look at inviting activities, how observation can guide
Perdon, No Perdon, Nurtriendo una Conciencia a Traves de la Guía
Perdon, No Perdon, Nurtriendo una Conciencia a Traves de la Guía
¿Deberíamos decirles a los niños que pidan perdón aunque no lo digan en serio? A través de conferencias, debates y videos, discutiremos esta pregunta y exploraremos qué es una conciencia y cómo nutrirla. También revisaremos cuatro pasos para pedir una disculpa sincera y practicaremos cómo responder a un escenario potencial en el aula utilizando