Child Care Aware of Washington Equity Statement
Racism harms all children, mostly and inequitably children of color, particularly black and indigenous children. Child Care Aware of Washington stands with, and supports, all families of color who encounter the long-lingering impacts of racism and all families who oppose white supremacy in all its forms. As an organization, we envision a world where children and families, especially those who are marginalized, discriminated against, or otherwise ostracized because of systemic racism, have access to equitable, quality child care and early learning programs that lead families to thrive economically while closing the opportunity gap.
Child Care Aware of Washington believes wholeheartedly that institutional racism is unacceptable, has persisted for far too long, and must come to an end. We educate, support and challenge our staff and Regional Partners to recognize, interrupt and confront racism in all settings where we are uniquely positioned to have impact.
Children need our leadership, humility, compassion, honesty, courage and urgency now and always. Eradicating racism is long overdue and Child Care Aware of Washington commits to do its part to make this happen.
Child Care Aware of Washington commits to be intentional in examining our organization, and our work, reflecting on the ways we contribute to systemic racism and how we must change to end racism. In addition, we commit to seek feedback and learn from families, child care providers, informal caregivers, our partners and stakeholders. We will share what we learn and how we intend to respond with those we serve — and commit to be held accountable for our progress or lack thereof. We know that this work is iterative, long-term without an end date. We will consistently invite the communities we serve to provide input and share their perspectives to inform our work.
Each year the Board of Trustees will form a task force, composed of board and staff members, which will meet to create a Racial Equity work plan for the upcoming year. The Board of Trustees will review and either adopt the work plan as written or request modifications at each November Board of Trustees meeting as well as assess bi-annual agency Racial Equity progress reports during the year.