Resources for Current Scholars
Welcome Scholar! We’re so glad to be partnering with you on your academic journey. Your success is our priority!
On this page you will find information to assist you during your scholarship contract period with CCA of WA:
Scholarship Guides (CCA of WA and DCYF)
Scholarship Guides
This guide provides in-depth information surrounding CCA of WA Scholarships. This information includes an overview of the scholarships program, eligibility requirements, application process, awards, benefits, scholarship maintenance and what new scholars can expect. The purpose of this guide is to provide an understanding of how CCA of WA manages and administers the scholarship funding provided by the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).
This manual provides an understanding of how the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) Scholarship Program supports the early learning workforce. The purpose of the guide is to summarize DCYF’s early learning scholarship program for contractors or others who are curious about its basic principles.
This guide outlines the educational programs, certificates, and credentials the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) recognizes. The information within this guide will also indicate if a program is eligible for DCYF scholarship funding.
BA Pathways Forms
Depending on your BA Pathways Scholarship, you will need to use all of some of the following forms on a semester, quarterly or annual basis.
Reimbursement Claim Form
For books or other eligible expenses (Disponible en español también)
Complete and submit via the web, fax, mail, or email.
Release Time Claim Form
For optional paid time-off (Disponible en español también)
Complete and submit via the web, fax, mail, or email.
Academic Advising Form
Complete and submit via fax, mail, or email.
Preliminary BA Academic Plan
Complete and submit via fax, mail, or email.
EFT Direct Deposit Authorization Form
Complete and submit via fax, mail, or email.
Pierce County Human Services (PCHS) Forms
The following forms are provided to assist you in obtaining your scholarship benefits.
Reimbursement Claim Form
For books or other eligible expenses (Disponible en español también)
Complete and submit via the web, fax, mail, or email.
PCHS Employment Release Time Agreement
This agreement is for those PCHS scholars who are employed at a licensed child care facility who would like to access the optional Release Time Benefit. This form must be submitted well in advance before the Release Time Claim form (please see deadlines on the form itself) and be signed by an authorized facility representative.
Release Time Claim Form
For optional paid time-off (Disponible en español también)
Complete and submit via the web, fax, mail, or email.
PCHS Academic Support Invoice Template
To be submitted with the Reimbursement Claim Form for the PCHS scholarship. This invoice template is designed to provide documentation of academic support where receipts are not normally available.
EFT Direct Deposit Authorization Form
Complete and submit via the web, fax, mail, or email.
Additional Resources
Life of a Scholar Roadmap
This visual reflects the steps that scholars will take while on our scholarship, from their initial award of the scholarship to graduation!
Important Dates for Scholars
This calendar lists the important dates that scholars need to be reminded of, such as schedules and reimbursement form submission deadlines.
Important Dates for Montessori Scholars
This calendar lists the important dates that scholars need to be reminded of, such as schedules and reimbursement form submission deadlines.
Evergreen State College
These guides help Evergreen State College scholars navigate their student portal to obtain their schedules and tuition information.
ctcLink Schedule & Tuition Instructions
These guides and videos below help scholars who attend WA state community and technical colleges, navigate their ctcLink student portals to obtain their schedules and tuition information.